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MCC is closed today, Wednesday, January 22, 2025, due to anticipated weather conditions. In-person classes, events and activities are canceled. Online classes will continue as usual and are not impacted by the closure.
MCC will reopen tomorrow at 6:00 a.m.

Course Descriptions

HEG 211 - Black Women's Mental Health and Wellness

3 Credits

Black women have disproportionately higher rates of many illness including hypertension, breast cancer, diabetes, lupus, heart disease, HIV, depression and so much more. This course will explore the socio-historical and cultural factors that impact the determinants of health for Black Women as compared to other populations. The intersectionality of Black Women’s lives and the impact on their mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual wellbeing will be examined. This course will analyze the roles and identities of Black Women, their perception of health, wellness and illness and how these factors influence self-care practices.

New SUNY General Education: SUNY - Critical Thinking and Reasoning Competency, SUNY - Social Sciences

Retiring SUNY General Education: SUNY-SS - Social Sciences (SSCS)

MCC General Education: MCC-CT - Critical Thinking (MCT), MCC-SCI - Scientific Reasoning (MSCI), MCC-SSD - Social Science and Diversity (MSSD), MCC-VE - Values and Ethics (MVE)

Course Learning Outcomes
1. Identify the emotional, physical, spiritual, intellectual, behavioral, social, or economic issues pertaining to the wellness of Black Women as compared to other groups
2. Evaluate health care issues for Black Women as they relate to mental health, physical health, morbidity or mortality from past to present
3. Examine the historical and contemporary factors of equitable health care access for Black Women as they relate to mental health or physical health.
4. Analyze the socio-historical, cultural or social justice factors that influence the overall health and wellness of Black Women.
5. Discuss intersectionality as it pertains to power, privilege, access and opportunity.
6. Create a personal social/ecological autobiography to explore health and wellness as it relates to identity, family, relationships, social networks, spirituality, mental and physical health, social justice work, and self-care practices.
7. Examine social science research methodologies as it pertains to understanding the social construct or personal value, identity, or belonging of Black Women in America.
8. Apply data utilizing research articles relative to Black Women’s Wellness in contrast to other groups through written assignments, projects, or presentations.

Course Offered Fall, Spring

Use links below to see if this course is offered:
Spring Semester 2025
Summer Session 2025